3D Printed Lugs

Interesting design… Would be curious about strength though…

VRZ 1. a tack bike frame with 3d printed lugs on Vimeo

Wow. Was just talking with a good mate today about this. He is setting up 3D printing business and we were talking about this among other cool little bike projects.

Very cool, but not my scene. I don’t want my lugs to scream and hog the show. They are merely place keepers and shouldn’t be noticed unless you look closely and then be able to pick up on subtle finishing that points towards quality and refined workmanship.

And this whole business of painting lugs different colour to the frame is rather tasteless imo.

Wha, I was under the impression that 3d printing was a sintering process, while it looks amazing that shit would crumble like rivita in use as a bike.
Maybe im wrong and there is some new fangled super strong 3d printing process.
Very cool though, I want one hung on my wall

Heartily agree, Looks cheap and tacky.

Polished stainless lugs on the other hand…

Amen. This is why i do not like schmancy Llewllyn’s except Daynes as they are single colour.

It’s selective laser sintering/melting. You’re thinking of traditional powder metallurgy where you press a part out of a metal powder and then infiltrate it in a furnace.

That said, these parts are still only 97% dense or so, which hurts the material properties somewhat.

All those sharp internal stress concentrations, especially the rear dropouts, worry me.

Carbon tubes glued into stainless lugs? Sounds familiar. Hope they don’t suffer the same fate.

i’m more concerned that the bike is made of tacks.

I was thinking SLS

Plus the adhesive coverage looks dodgy as fuck

No mention as yet of who this pays homage too.

I admire his creativity, but i certainly can’t see that frame withstanding the rigours of daily use.

plus, it would hurt to sit on, what with the tacks and all.

To be fair to the process, the hardness, elongation and tensile strength of SLS materials is pretty good (if fully dense) and the wear resistance is outtasite.

James, it’s a reverse homage to an http://www.delta7bikes.com/.

Brendan, no, we’re outside the EU, so if we bought it, it’d be tacks free.

Reverse homages are the worst! Especially when made of tacks.

jeez blakey, you know i’m sensitive about my non-euro heritage. i can’t believe you’d be so tacktless.

Yeah he lost me when he bolted on the threadless stem.
Real nice work though.

this is awesome! gives me hope that one day I’ll be able to afford some custom made lugs to fit bamboo into :slight_smile:

I think it looks very nice, would I ride one probably not, would I hang one on the wall yes.

Cool concept. Has good potential for the future.

But I hate this bike. Complex for complexity’s sake. Ugly.

The use of such advance technology to create something so fancy just doesn’t make sense to me. Just like carbon fiber toilet seats.

I’d much rather a Hetchins !!

Hetchins “Spyder” Bicycle Frame - Mid 1970s - Campagnolo - 55cm C to C - H12703 | eBay