A Powerful half-ironman

JP completed the Shepparton half ironman this weekend - riding the bike leg on his AWESOME fixed Hillman aero machine.

He finished 230th overall and completed the bike leg at 2:37.

Congratulations JP, nice work! More photos here.

You are hardcore JP, well done mate.

I trust that ndf provided you good pit-girl service? :wink:

it was great to see him and the Hillman out there as well as meeting ndf

You’re hot, JP.

It musta been like over 45 degrees up there.
and smokey as buggery

Champion effort…

:smiley: rad foto, that. thanks dudes… i loved it. running be hard after 90 flat km with no stretching for a couple hours but was all part of my day out.

Those shorts are sooooooooooooooooooooooooooo…hot