Alleycat 05.06.09

Just got a text message with this…

“L4UNCHK0D3” 6pm THIS FRI depart630 @ 45 pirie

tell flexxaz

i’ll be in adelaide tomorrow night, don’t think i’m brining my bike though.

FARRRRRKKKK! these sheet eet start too early man…midnight alleycat anyone?

Got 3 hours of sleep last night then worked today so I wasn’t riding any more than I had to. Besides, my previous misfortune in the last race was pretty soul defeating. Crash+quill displacement+rim wall gouging+wheel displacement and accompanying chain tension loss+eventual chain slippage. When I have a better bike I’ll ride every race and every tuesday again. :mrgreen:

Who came what?

Cancelled cause of the weather. Mandy and I rode from the train station to the Exeter about 6 on Friday and it was insane. So wet, and you could barely see. Not really fun race conditions.

i take it that MESSENGERZ just go home when it rains then :stuck_out_tongue:

I guess. Sitting around in wet clothes and not getting paid for it doesn’t sound like fun.