
New Frame with same Parts.

Battaglin 54.5 square
-Columbus tubing
-Cinelli BB shell

+japanese njs parts

nice rake

please dont kill it

the best fixed gear on here in just about forever. i love it.
That frame is beautiful and there’s just enough “street” in the mix.
good work mate.

Strong looking ride, WD. Just a quick question as I’m fresh in the fixed world. What cog sizes are best for fixed street action, darting about town and skidding up a treat etc?

no backwards circles or trickzzz on this one, danny.

And no walking it up hills.

sorta depends on your chainring size, doesn’t it?

most people run anywhere from 68-78 on the street. you prob don’t wanna go too much over 80, especially if you’re riding without a front brake.

Dope frame danny I recently gave baguley a over haul I’ll have to come on one of those cranky rides with you soon mate.

please join me on backward circle sessions at the imax :smiley:
and yeh wont be doing anything stupid on this frame until i find a new frame luke.
and no im not gonna stop walking my bike no one can stop me.

leon, where are you? never see you around these days, i wanna see the new look on your bike.

thank you

anyone whos wanting to swap their nikon/canon DSLR for this bike, call me :wink:

well nice that danny !

Sweet bike!

Congratulations, it made it to my bike porn folder. It looks fucking sweet.

Yes, I have a bike porn folder.

Who doesn’t?

everyone does…
mines on my ipod as well

fuck yeah danny, this bike is hot.

Jeez mate

Careful with that front tyre clearance, front wheel gets out of vertical true and you’re walkin it

Cheers, what I meant, just to be sure I’ve asked the correct question… “What amount of teeth on both sprocket and chainring does one think is a great combo for wild, breakless and long rides across all (hilly and flat) terrain?”