BNE Track Updates

Chandler Track racing is set to start on Tuesday night again in Late September.

The talk is that the new Chandler Track Cycling Club should start in October- Racing every Tuesday night 52 weeks of the year.

October is the earliest the club can be formed so that it has full 2008 affiliation

Thats good news for all, pity its outdoor and we have to fight headwinds…but hey, banked circle fun…

sniff sniff…

what’s that …

road trip!


Yeah, us BNE boys down in Melb for some indoor wooden fun.

Tell me, are there headwinds on your track?

hahha it sure feels like it when you pull out from behind the guy on the motorbike.

but er - no.


Sounds easy…next thing I know you will be telling me its less than a 333m track…

4 weeks till track starts up in Bris…

Draft Racing Calender…not much track so far.

Tuesday 2nd October.

Training starts again.

Beers in the carpark…

Hey look at this
there are only 5 open TRACK races in Queensland this year

27-Oct Logan Track Event Chandler Logan Cycling Club
2-3 Nov Townsville Cup on Wheels Townsville Townsville Cycling Club
9-10 Nov Rocky Cup on Wheels Rockhampton Rockhampton Cycling Club
17-Nov Bundaberg Track Event Bundaberg Bundaberg Cycling Club
2-6 Jan Senior State Track Championships Chandle Cycling Queensland
12-Jan Victor Broncos Track Carnival Chandler VictorBroncos Cycling Club
22-24 Feb Junior State Track Championships Chandler Cycling Queensland
7-9 March Masters State Track Championships Chandler Cycling Queensland

There is :
Tuesday nights at Chandler Wynnum Redlands CC Track Racing
Friday nights down at Nerang. goldcoastcats
And Logan city cycling club are trying to get Sunday mornings racing