fixie riding crew

Hi all rob here I am looking for a fixxie , single speed crew to start riding with in Brisbane… nights or weekends plz let me times and places and ill be there… Keen to meet yas

Search for Because Fixie on FB. Thanks.


You have rough Monday brooooo :wink: Look up the “Thursday night Ride” thread in the “Brisbane” section Rob, see ya there.

Don’t have Facebook

Neither do I but Google exists.

ride along with us - becausefixie

I’m from Brisbane and I’m riding from Lyon to Barcelona starting in Thursday if you want to come along? SRSZ.

No your not. Your sitting in a pub drinking beers… At least that is what your IG seems to be sayin… (as well as a lot of hung over pics)

Story of his lyf

#flexingfixiemuscle #thatguy #noproofwastoodrunk #passedoutbeforeicoulddocument

#heschanged #fixiefamous #fixiefrance


Ok thanks guys I won’t be able to make this fri as its Father’s Day and going out for dinner but ill be there next sun night forsure

BYO teardrop helmet

You gotta wear girls tights and time trial helmets. No skill required, just crash.

Aim for pedestrians if there’s nothing else around to hit

The women’s tights thing is kinda weird,
Guess it helps them hide their hairy legs whilst looking uber cool.

May be they are just so far ahead of the curve of fashion? May be they are fashion I don’t know I’m getting pretty old.

Need moar drugs