FOA racers - Melbourne V2.

Lol! Vindication feels good.

It’d be interesting to see how far down the club grades doping goes too. Clearly this would be an utterly pointless and expensive waste of time, but fuck me dead it’d be hilarious if some fat shunter in D grade got busted.

this is why you need toucan in your life!

Tour of Melbourne
Track Bike Crit
November 6th

Looks like fun. Need to see if parts for my track bike arrive in time to race it, bit of a shame it’s only 20 minutes though.

one broken collarbone per minute??

Welcome to borrow my beast from the cage at DISC if you want, pretty sure we’re the same size. If nothing else it’ll be good resistance training, it’ll be covered in about 2kg of dust.

I actually think it’ll be pretty safe. No idea who’ll turn up though, maybe there will be blood?

Thanks for the offer! Would never risk riding a borrowed bike in a race though due to the fear of crashing and breaking it.

Roundabouts either end of a hotdog circuit on fixed? No thanks!

Honestly I don’t see it being any more dangerous than racing a hotdog crit.

Probably better considering 1/20 know how to use brakes

*Carabiner Gardens

Pedal strike GH?

Happens in normal crits too though. You really have to be leaning a bike over quite a bit for it to happen. We had a track crit at the kew tear drop and everyone survived so I think this course will be okay.

Fair enough. I’m still gun shy after the operation and 16 physio sessions to unfreeze my shoulder when I broke my collarbone back in 2014… Still causes me grief coming closer to 3 years after the crash!

I wonder if a second, slower, bunch will be allowed this time, like it was last time. Like an unofficial b-grade.

If a strong bunch get away you’re still allowed to keep racing, might get pulled if you’re being lapped though. Safe to assume normal crit rules would apply.

The race was a success, run just like a normal crit. No crashes and no stress. One of the riders did pedal strike in a corner but rode it off. The field split up pretty quickly and young Jenson managed first place mens. The Melburn Hurt group wasn’t happy with the original plan to have only a first place women’s prize, no second or third. None of them decided to race. Only one female track cyclist raced.

Yay, success for the patriarchy?

A positive to take from it I guess is two less people wearing that horrible kit.

Fixie at Bay Crits

Para-cycling (Day 1 only).
Masters (Days 2 & 3).
Juniors (JW15, JM15, JW17, JM17) - (Day 2 only).
Fixie (Day 3)