For every dooring on Collins, there is an equal & opposite reaction...

wait are you guys all saying this person named “elle” on the forum may also be named “elle” in real life… woah… stop it.

also rad post!

I misread originally and thought it was erle.

Sorry erle*

Hi elle.

*not sorry enough to buy flowers and a plastic toy.

Yes Jimbo, The one and only. (True story - otherwise the name would have been taken :p)
First time I’ve ever had anything worth mentioning, however Brendan’s theory is correct.

ALSO - for those asking what was in the bag… A toy sword and shield.

Restored my faith in humanity for the 15 minutes it took to ride home.

Man … if this thread was food it would be chocolate cake !!!

Sweet :slight_smile:

I woke up to an email from a family friend that had seen this thread on twitter…

No one ever is… I only get the dudes in commodores a bit further up Sydney road who want to punch me after I yell at them when they drive over the foot path to get to the Campbellfield Kmart car park and nearly hit me in the process.

me too

has this post gone viral or somethin? 9000+ views in 24hrs & our record for most people on FOA at once was broken last night…??

oh wait, I just saw all the link backs down the bottom.

guess it did then huh… nice one Elle.

There’s at least two separate tumblr posts as well.

FOA gone viral

Smashed it. Wasn’t it like 270 or something before that, set a couple of years ago?

yeah somethin like that.

The Squeaky Wheel talking about it too.

Quick turn the lights off and everone shhhhh!

hello and welcome to the 2000 additional viewers since my last post.


*tucks in shirt

HAI GUYZ! Welcome to FoA!

Someone hide the TC thread stat!
