Help me!

Sydney people, I need your help.

As you may or may not know, I have been riding around Australia (starting from Perth) for the last ~72days and I’m getting close to Sydney. Time freaking flies when you’re living on the road and I just realised that I’m 3-4 days away from Sydney and have no accommodation planned. I’d need a couch/bed/lawn/roof/anything(!) for a couple of nights and will compensate your space and time with beer.

I have a Journal posted up on if you want to read up on my ride. Its not up to date but you can get the general jist of the trip there.

pm me or send a reply. perhaps include your number too as I don’t have the internet on me so I’ll get my brother to forward the details.



hey mate, been following your exploits. i dont have space to offer at the mo, having just moved etc, but am bumping this so others can see and respond accordingly.
hope the next few days goes well.

Although there haven’t been many offers, please don’t think we are without hospitality! It’s just a bad time for us all. A few people in the middle of moving, I’m going to be at sea for a few weeks etc. I hope you sort something out.

I just held an impromptu sharehouse meeting, it lasted about 6 seconds, and concluded with my housemates saying Absolutely! Of course! When does he arrive!

I actually found my housemates Julien and Isabelle via a very similar post on here about 6 months ago. They’re still here - maybe you’ll be a bit quicker moving on than them…

am sending a pm. We have a big house with lots of bikes/parts/tools/polo stuff/tomato plants/chickens etc etc, I’m sure we can help you out.

yo guys,

thanks heaps! I’ve been in the same seat myself, so no offense taken at all! Just arrived in Sydney today, freaking weather is awesome today. Unfortunately I booked myself into a backpackers without checking so I missed etomato’s awesome offer :frowning:

Anyway, thanks again.


can anyone recommend a good bike shop in the general CBD area whilst im here?

Cheeky Transport!
Cheeky Transport
Monday - Friday 10 - 6.30pm Thursday 10 - 8pm Saturday 10 - 4pm Sunday Closed

02 9557 5424
3a Georgina St Newtown

epic, cheers.

City Bike Depot on Kent St , and Deus on Oxford St are great also.

agree on city bike depot. cheapest for bits, and great service.

get in touch with etomato, alex is a top bloke.

and… like that he’s gone. he flew to NZ this arvo.

Sorry we all missed you Prawza, come back sometime for a Wednesday ride/Thursday Polo double feature.

(im actually leaving this arvo :P)