help with health assignmnt, get $$

Do you think “riding the dragon” has a positive or negative effect on your ability to stay rubber side down?

I’m keen to help :smiley:

Do you like playing air guitar with a polo mallet whilst riding?
( ) Always
( ) Often
( ) Sometimes
( ) Rarely
( ) Never

I am in. And you will need me to be the tail of the bell curve.

I’m in too

ps I like sitting in a office deep within Q Health. There is fucking Swine flu everywhere else!!

put me down for partaking in the data collection.
gotta get down with da statistical analysis yo 'chigga. :mrgreen:

You got a site up for it or just a spread sheet to fill out?


something about a survey and a prize… :evil: down

how much are you gonna look at the concept of “risk”?
like there’s theories that people have a natural “level” of risk. so if you make a road as safe and smooth as possible some people will drive the speed limit but others will drive even faster and negate all that risk reducing infrastructure because they have some higher tolerance of risk. (does that make sense?)

also some people reckon that kids get molly-coddled so much these days they crave risk when suddenly they reach adulthood and haven’t developed a full understanding of what risk is or what they can get away with because they’ve never really taken risks - i dunno so much about that though.

I’m up for a survey

is this going to be an online thing? if so count me in

Yeah it’ll be online, there’ll be a link I maybe 2 weeks to the survey template which can then be filled out and sent to me. I only need 20 responses, but anyone with a serious reply goes into the prize draw.

count me in, for science, and accamademia.

count me in