how to get a Dosnoventa Houston for less

Thank you

you know who i like better than dostoyevsky? solzhenitsyn. i wonder if he ever made any fixie frames.

Always more of a Turgenev man myself.

edit: or, fuck it, Tolstoy. Perhaps one of the very first vegetarian tee totallers, like, 90 years before Minor Threat.

I’m backing Hugh Jackman for the role of Raskolnikov when the musical, film version comes out.

If we’re talking Russian literature, The Master and Margarita - Bulgakov needs a mention.

Also, poor daverlj. He just wants to chat fixies and he stumbled into this place…

also a weird sort of christian anarchist. definitely an odd dude.

Just started Chekhov’s short stories the other day. He’s okay, but he’s no Dosnoventa.

and Tolstoy never went on to form a band as bad as Fugazi.


Nah. Joseph Gordon Levitt.

talk about money


Speaking of Russians, how rad are those babushka dolls,
They are totally cool again.

Speaking of trolling, they are matryoshka dolls…

Rad enough to get em tattooed on my calf muscle?

Dave has given up.

Pity. Because Solzhenitsyn is where it’s at.