じてんしゃ Japan info pretty please

also, expect shitty jazz to be played everywhere.

Thanks again to everyone for your help. I’m going to keep a simple blog: ♥ Adventures of the Magic Charinko ♥

Also my friend Yu Ki in Tokyo invited me to this event! I’m so excited, thought i’d share :slight_smile:
(the page is translated… badly! lol but you get the idea)

Google Translate

^ Your bike is called Vyvyan?

haha :stuck_out_tongue:

Vyvyan the Vivalo yeah!

i think i just vommed in my mouth.

oh no, wait.

i think i just vommed everywhere.

Yeah whateverrrrrrrrr brendan!
Vom wherever you LIKE, just not on Vyvyan :wink: :slight_smile:

Hey Brenno, do you remember my black bike with the pink rear end? Well I named it Stacey. It seemed so appropriate. Then it died in the bum. Now my bikes are referred to by the brand or builder but I think names need to come back.

you still sick brendan? i thought you said you were on the mend?

i thought i was! this blog obviously brought it all rushing back. now there is vom all over.

i hope the cat doesn’t eat it.

i’m trying to work out a way to tie in the cat with you vomiting over one blog post to try and make a joke about you being a massive pussy but i can’t quite seem to do it. never mind.


a fine effort nonetheless. A-.


dont point at people, dont talk on the trains, dont go into any clubs in rappongi if there is nigerians at the door. those are my tips. oh and plenty of good places to cycle, check out yoyogi park near shibuya station if you want to relax

This is good advice. The only act of hostility I encountered in Japan was after having a pretty normal, non-obnoxious, not particularly loud conversation on the train with friends, some of them locals.

Some coked up businessman approached us in the station after we got off and actually wanted to fight us.

You can drink in public, shoot your empty cans with BB guns, let off fireworks and gererally cause a bit of a scene and nobody cares, but talk on the train and you will upset people.

edit. just realised I sound like a douchebag Australian tourist, acting up overseas, treating the world like his toilet. Not the case. I was led astray by Japanese friends who consistently drank me under the table.

atleast you didnt vomit in a japanese taxi, i still feel the guilt to this day

Bike arrived in Osaka undamaged. Thanks Jetstar. Built it up again today and went exploring though Namba the main hub of Osaka. Can believe I’m here :slight_smile: It’s wild.

^^ Gotta love a nice tight chain!

Good to see you’ve made it safe and sound!
I even made a Tumblr, just so I can keep track of this epic trip. :slight_smile:

Can someone show this to andrew =) I took it especially for him.

I think of what you said here everyday!!! I swear, any love I had for Jazz in the past has quickly vanished!

Man I spent 5 weeks in Japan a couple of years ago and miss it like mad. Took the bike over, my monster B1 Stelis MBK that I’d built up and never regret taking it over there. Just one piece of advice, don’t get lost and remember all the streets look the same and there’s no street names in Japan! If you’re in the cities it’s not too bad but when you’re in the deeper parts of the country it can get real messy finding your bearings so do learn a smattering of Japanese to get you but, a phrasebook should do. I read, write and speak Japanese anyway so I had a rough idea of what was going on. I suppose if you’re a bird travelling out there on your own young Japanese guys will be more than willing to help you. There’s bike shops over there practically on every corner and the service is always very good over there. As for dining out over there Okonomiyaki and Yakisoba are the most popular dishes and at a snip of price.
I’ll pop some pictures up later that I took whilst I was there. Japan is a hell of a lot closer to you than me.