Milly eats anything. she aint vegan.
The brother & sister are Burmese.
Burmese really do think they are either people or dogs. Not as vocal a Siamese and the boy was an awesome fighter.
Saw him smack down a cat twice his size. I’m positive he’d been fighting and was running home when he got knocked over.
The replacement cat is an Abby looks exactly like this, tail maybe not that dark on the end.
Cats are the best animals ever!
Last year we had to put down my sister’s cat, who had lived for 17 years. Since we first got her from the RSPCA she only ever wanted to be picked up and hugged when she wanted to, which resulted in a ridiculous amount of scratches over our faces as youngsters. A 4 or 5 year old girl (my sister, not me) just wants to treat her cat like a doll, but this cat had other plans! This suited me well as I’m not one for affection 24/7. If she came and sat with me for half an hour while i watched tv, that was more than enough for me. It was always nice that she ran down the driveway after me on my bike when I got home from school, even though it was probably just to be fed before going out and doing whatever she did with the rest of her time.
My Dad always claimed he hated the cat, but once we moved out of home and the cat was getting a bit older, she would always sit with Dad on the couch and purr away while Dad would pat her.
I’m not sure when this photo was taken, but i assume it was right after getting our cat.
She was named Kelly, after the 90210 character
+1, I grew up with Burmese that behaved just like this. Lost a couple of expert snake & mouse hunters to the Adelaide hills / catnappers, one to old age and another in a very grisly end to a neighbour’s pig dog. One survives at mum’s place with 3 teeth at 16 yo, gumming food to death.
Currently living under the reign of a ginger juvenile delinquent who is very vocal about being fed but plays a mean game of chasey.
I think everyone needs to LOLCAT caption their own cat.
I love this. Classic dad behavior.
Anybody ever had any experience with Bengals? I’ve always liked the look of them. Amazingly beautiful cats but possibly a little wild, expensive and impractical. Like the pursuit frames of the cat world.
In case Mrs. Spirito is reading this thread …
We haven’t had a cat since I was four. My dad name it “Clement”. He was heavily into cycling at the time.
This is Klaus (geddit, claws?). He’s 3yo and likes to curl up on the lounge as much as he likes to chill in the sink.
He too went missing late last year, but after 2 months and long after I’d given up hope he turned up in Essendon, 10km’s away from my house. I don’t know he made it on the street for so long, but since his return he’ll eat anything and everything.
The rope must die
The happy couple - probably just before a punch up.
my friend has a cat she found that we’re pretty sure is at least part bengal due to appearance and behaviour. she doesn’t really like being held but is otherwise a cool, playful critter. so yeah, avoid the cost of buying a bengal and just hope a kitten shows up in your backyard at some point
Burmese are sooo nice. We had one that hated been left soo bad we had to take him with us on weekends away, other wise he’d move in down the street.
The cat above looks like an Abyssinian, the nicest looking cats one can get…
I’d love a bengal though they are totally neat!
Awesome shirt:
The Burmese wakes up from a nap, walks around the bedroom yelling until someone comes and pays attention to it. If this doesn’t happen it finds it’s rat, walks around the house yelling with the rat in it’s mouth. Strange kitteh.
The wife really wants a Bengal too…
Not the domestic type