Lunch with Rhys: 4/9/15

^ #seemslegit

Def’s in. Not working. Can’t booze though cause #trackracing #eliteathlete #notagreatidea

Okay, I’m taking the arvo off to come hang at the pub.

Table is booked for 1pm - for 6 people - at the Lord Nelson - under the name Rod O’hara

Is it took late??? Can I come please ??

yeah dude, come down - that’d be rad.

So this is tomorrow - so psyched!

Yeah I’ll be late. See you cats at 1.30.

So good seeing you folks yesterday :slight_smile:

Thanks, guys.

Yep, was fun. I think I drank too much tho.

Yeah me too. After this weekend I feel like Keith Richards.

great afternoon - nice to see old heads. I was asleep by 8pm!

Good to see everyone again. Wish I could’ve hung around longer.

Unhappy I missed this. Who schedules work meetings for lunch time Friday?

Catch you next time.