[MEL] Wed 24th 6pm @ Fed Sq - Fixed Foolz?

If the weather is any good - would anyone be interested in meeting at Fed Sq. Wednesday evening, 6pm for a random cruise around the city, on some bike paths (maybe a tt/drain loop?) and finishing at the museum?

F#@!$ Yeah! :evil:

Sorry busy week for me this week, no riding. But will let you know closer to the day

Work until midnight :frowning:

This forum is not my inner mondogologue.

What is a monodog?

Yes this is still on… 6pm Fed Square. Drain loop followed by hot dogs from the Fin, or some similar refreshments.

Tonight’s discussion topic:

The defeat of the Persian navy at the Battle of Salamis.

If you can’t make it… don’t worry there’s a rumour going around about a bbq next Wednesday to celebrate the arrival of funtime hours (aka daylight savings).

BGQ Next Wed? :smiley:

Super! I is all for the wholesome goodness of a hot dog and plentyy of ketchup.

Ahh yes the battle of whats theirface, Those Greeks sure kicked butt

I’m in if you can wait til 6:15pm (ish).

Sorry, going to be stuck at work till about 6:30ish
hope to get there next week.

yeah i’ll wait around till about 6:30.