(My) Band Spam.

Hi, completely off-topic… but I play in a band called SWORDS. We’re two bases and drums, (intricate?) instrumental type stuff. I have no idea what people here listen to, but I know majority of you are in Melbourne and we’re heading over at the start of March to play some shows…

Thursday 6 March
Bar Open w/ THUNDERCLAW, Hotel Wrecking City Traders & Radiant City

Friday 7 March
The Old Bar w/ Ahkmed, THUNDERCLAW & Little Killing

Saturday 8 March
Pony Bar w/ Daggers Mid Flight, Chainsaw Girls & THUNDERCLAW

If you want to hear our stuff, two tracks can be heard at http://www.myspace.com/swordsfuckyeah.

If this is out of line, feel free to delete this post.

i guess you like shellac

Was it the songs or the aluminium necked basses?

oh hang on, i know where i’ve seen your band name before. it was on messandnoise, in a thread about alum basses. there’s about 6 messandnoise people hidden on here somewhere.

i’m a casual messandnoiser. i’m also a casual shellac fan. i might get to one of these shows.

I prefer Bert and Ernie speed metal or noisecore


shellac rule, have you heard of the redneck manifesto JKL? they also rule.

No, but I shall look them up.

i prefer biiig black

Depends on what mood I’m in, but Big Black was fine for cooking dinner last night, as Rapeman was for my lunchtime walk today.

Saw that you’re playing with Scul Hazzards - saw them the other week. Also Albini nerds. Good band.

Swords sounds pretty good, nice work on the My Disco support in Adelaide too.

Yeah, Playing with Scul Hazzards tomorrow night. Won’t tell you how I met the singer of Scul Hazzards, but it involved an internet forum

And yeah, pretty excited about the My Disco support.

Thanks for the kind words Liam.

We’re doing the MD support in Hobart…

Touring Adelaide this weekend, details here if you’re interested.

Might check you guys out on thursday (got Sonic Youth on friday night)…

Sweet, I think that show will be the pick of the three for us. Hope to see you there! I’m the guitar player.