I’d be surprised if that website doesn’t have viruses of some sort.
That deaf masturbation video is high quality
That time cube guy has been my favourite conspiracy theory nutbag for years.
this was recommended by the guy McKenny linked to in the original post.
I fucking love it. hope the link works ok.
Damn, hope they make that movie.
Google image search ‘coughing’ - lolz.
Warning - you have to be in a bit of a strange mood to enjoy it.
This guy’s not getting an oscar any time soon.
Old mate grey cardigan sure knows how to cough.
lolz @ pistachios.
^ From the comedy festival: eating pistachios is the closest I have come to hand-to-hand combat.
"The BBC have long had form when it
comes to nominative determinism
(sending a reporter called Jonah
Fisher to cover Japanese whaling
fleets; employing Sara Blizzard
and Neil Sleat as weather people
etc…) but we never thought
they’d manage to topple the Times.
In 2010, the Times' coverage on
child abuse in the Catholic church
was filed by a journalist named
Roger Boyes.
It's just been bested. The BBC's
online reports of the kidnapped
Nigerian schoolgirls have come
from... Nick Childs."
omg, lollin at my desk.
Holy shit. That fucking rules.