New to this

Hey guys,
I have always been interested in bikes and used to ride a lot of mountain bikes and was pretty serious with my bmx when i was a bit younger.
Over summer i re-built a super old bmx frame i had, repainted, bought all new parts etc etc and had a ball doing it, but it really isnt very useful for riding around.
I work about 5 kms from home and would love a bike to get there and back so i want to build a fixie as a few guys i know did, but i really know nothing about them, or what i need to know. What parts, sizes, frame sizes etc etc…
Any help would be great.
I have looked over everything at but would love to know if you guys have an other tips, part recommendations (that go well together/easy to gfigure out) etc etc.

Thanks a lot guys.

As with any building: measure twice, cut once. Applied to building bikes: don’t buy anything unless you know it fits.

So you want to build one up yourself? This may end up costing more than buying on from a shop or buying one complete off eBay, but it can be very satisfying and you’ll have something completely custom. How much are you looking to spend?

If you have any specific questions, start by using the search feature, and if that reveals nothing; ask away.

yeh i want to build one myself, much more fun than just buying one!
Dont really care how much i spend to be honest, im going to buy the parts that fit and look good and just build on it from there.

Go to the post your ride thread and look around, see what you like and go from there.,7.0.html