newbie, be kind


Im doing a bit of travel around oz. Im going to be in Melb for a bit and have a bike id like to get converted to fixie. Its pretty new chinese road 18speed, disc brakes, rims, solid, no dramas etc
The bike was a gift from a fat relative. I dont have the tools or know how to do the conversion. Anyone point me in the right direction??? Workshop, Bikeshop etc
Im in Elwood, Vic

Bandwagon Man


Check out aka “The Bible”

Everything you need to know and more about converting a road bike to a fixed gear. I would say read his article on converting road bikes to fixed and then come back and ask any more questions that you might have.

You really don’t need many tools, gonna have to fork out for some new bits and pieces though.

If Sheldon fails, can’t recommend Abbotsford cycles under Richmond station highly enough…

Or if your after something special go see dan the shifter man he’s back on the 8th