Wanting to photograph fixed wheel bike owners with their bike, all so Audio record the owners talking about, why they like fixed wheel riding, does the look of the bike say something about them? Why they have the bike set up the way it is?
Photographs will be taken in a studio ( NMIT. Fairfield, Melbourne ) over the next six months, and you will get a FREE ie NO CHARGE photo of the finished image of you and your bike.
You will be required to sign a model release.
I am interested in photographing ALL fixed wheel owners and their bikes, so e - mail me if interested?
If interested? As some of you are, e - mail me at toneredd@hotmail.com please allow that my e-mail settings will not let through anything suss, so if you have any trouble with e-mailing or no reply vier the e-mail, ph 0419 58 2313 Melbourne.
Why am I doing it? I do photographic documentaries and have for a number of years ( view my web page ) all so studying, and with two young kids, need to choose projects I can work around family, I am interested in, at the highest level.The bonus of access to a studio and equipment at college to allow me to do this series properly is a big plus.
I ride a internal eight speed hub bike, and have a racing past in W.A. and Victoria on the road,track and MTB.
The reporter has made the following comment:
I have been recieving continual replies from some Idiot, picture of the Fonz. CAN YOU PLEASE contact this person and stop them continueing to send the same picture to a SERIOUS post. It would be appreciated, thank you.
Anyway, if anyone is cool enough to let this guy take their photo, email him. Otherwise… LOCKED.