post a pic of you and your latest purchase v2.

Recent NBD and maiden voyage.


So good! How’d you find it?

It’s been maybe 6 years since I’ve ridden MTB on any real trail. That was a 26" hardtail. Took this around the same loop and side trail to check it out, this bike is much better. Dropper post took a little getting used to, but by the end of 10km of XC/firetrail both up and down hill I was into the swing of it.

Heading to Thredbo this weekend for a two day session, so aiming to stay complete/unbroken afterwards.

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Nice, just take it easy and make sure your suspension has been set up properly for you.

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Sag set to 25-30%. These air systems make it super simple! I certainly didn’t feel it bottom out on the loop. There will be no shortage of advice or tools on the weekend. One of the group going is a 10 year old kid, so I’ll be trailing him.