Pub footy!

last one of the year is on saturday and its set to be a banger. 18 degrees and sunny. so come down and watch former cylists try to play team sports and drink some beer in the sun.
vic park (collingwood), first game is at 11.50am, gougers are on at 3.30pm, i’ll get there around 1.

i’m workin at 4. might come for a bit though.

workin a wedding, so a coupla tins beforehand could work in my favour…

I might try attend.

I went to my first full game of AFL the other weekend. Tins in the sun is good.

Hopefully some good conversions and stuff.

Are you blind ump

Who was that to!!!

I think the order needs to be

Just kick it long,

Who was that to!!!

I’ll be there from about 1