R.I.P allycats

i was wondering how long it would take for some hipster to barge into the alleycat world with a for-profit alleycat, and i got my answer, 22nd of febuary 2008, the day the alleycat died :x. ALLEYCATS ARE NOT SUPPOSED TO MAKE MONEY PEOPLE!!! any money that IS made is supposed to go on the bar afterwards, its called putting back in to the scene. the only exception to this rule is benefit-alleycats where the money goes to an injured courier (injury=no income)
i cant wait for the hipsters to find a new trend, the whole fakenger thing is starting to shit me

What has brought you to this position? Grasshopper…

Any comments from the organisers?

hey yeah i put that one on.

there was allot more money accumulated than i had anticipated and profiting was never my intention.

I was more than happy to put the money made back over the bar. Lane tried to rally some people to head down to the pub on Lygon st and i began to do this there as everyone was seeming to split from the PB. I didnt want to put the money over the bar at the PB if the people that helped with checkpoints etc were leaving. I didnt think that was fair.

So after that died, my plan was to buy a whole bunch of beer with the money raised and supply that for the afterparty of spuds alleycat. which i did.
Unfortunately not everyone from the alleycat on the 22nd could be there but i felt that was the next best option. As many of the same people were there.

I’m sorry to anyone that felt like they had been ripped off, that was never my intention. I guess the way i ‘managed’ the whole thing was pretty poor as i was a bit overwhelmed with the turnout and had never put on any form of event before. I really didnt expect that many people and i have copped a bit of flak about it.

Thankfully some of the MDMA guys took me aside and had a word with me at the roller derby and we cleared it up.

Just want to make it really clear that there was never an intention to profit from this and I’m sorry that some people thought that was what i was doing. I only wanted to put on a good time.

buy a whole bunch of beer with the money raised and supply that for the afterparty of spuds alleycat. which i did.
