Rock n Roller Racing! 27-11-10!

what time is rego brendan? i dont finish work till 4pm…and i really wanna roll to this…

rego at 3, qualifying at 3.30 - but you may be able to snaffle a spot if you’re running late. we’re open to bribes.


are brownies ok?

vegan brownies, sure. i also like links to free downloads of classic punk rock records, burnt copies of 30 Rock, used books about anarchist theory and fifteen minute blocks of hand holding time.

Does the hand holding have to be in public?

Don’t stop believing - Journey
The final countdown - Europe

this song is disallowed due to its association with Glee.

Danger zone - Kenny Loggins, probably calls for a shritless race too.

You vs Nikcee / Benzy, of course.

In the vein, I guess I should race to “Tina Turner - Simply the Best”

Good times!

blakey, thought you’d be choosing something from the tartan collection?

paging horatio?

Count me in. I assume there will be bike parking down there as per usual?

Noone should ever be subjected to The Tartan Carton.

yes, there will be. do you have a song request? we do have access to almost five hours of great scottish music.

Any Mogwai will do me fine :slight_smile:

frightened rabbit for the win

Thought this was on Sunday… Can’t make it :frowning:

but it’s on until 10pm!!!

I got other shit on