
What’s the story with Dan’s cryptic message on the shifterbikes website? Is the webblog going or the whole business?

I dont really know much about the physical shop, as I’ve just bought mail order and exchanged a couple of emails with Dan.

Good question … I was wondering that myself.


Dan? (If you’re checking this site)


been in contact with him, everything’s good with Dan, all I can say is “stay tuned”

Good to hear.

Thanks Craig

Stay tuned…

what the nizzle is going on? spill the beans spud, at pace!


Dan’s been killed by his evil twin Don who will soon be starting Shafterbikes.

Like sand through the hourglass, so are the days of our lives…


WTF!!! shaft driven singlespeed… even fixxxed? :slight_smile: brilliant


If you’ve got a bike getting worked on, give Dan-o a call. The phone, that thing that the internet used to work through…

Anything else, PM me, email me at spuddy;at;, or drop in and see me at Malvern Bikes.

More to come…

Wow, a saga… the tension builds…

I’m still around, just not in Malvern.

You can find me at Bike Now in Sth Melbourne.

Contact details are all the same.

ShifterBikes will continue, and will be back better than ever - just needs a break to refresh and rejuvenate.

?? they got the alum sheeted wall for the photos??