Spotted in Melb and Nth Melb.


This bike lives in the same apartment block as me and It was also parked outside my office yesterday. Can’t seem to escape it :slight_smile:

Is the owner on

Its stickered as a Colnago.

<img src=“”>


The seat needs some Viagra.

looks like something out of a Salvador Dali painting

Looks like one of these:

That’s Matt. I don’t think he’s on here.

“It’s the new G-Force seat. Guaranteed to hit the G-spot every time”

Holy shit!!
I saw that exact same bike today in Parkville.
thats weird…

i guess anyone would be that limp if they got around as much a mr Colnago :mrgreen:

Is it? Is it weird?

fairly weird… yeah!

hahahahahahah :smiley: