stolen bike FOUND

hey guys,

last night my bike was stolen from my house in downer - it’s a canary yellow fixie with no brakes, no clips and drop bars.

edit - it’s a conversion, the chainline is out a bit and there are 3 or 4 RED links on the silver chain.

if anyone sees it around, ask the rider who he is (if it isn’t me then knock him out or something) or if it’s laying around somewhere take it back for me…



FAAAARK!!! I will keep an ear to the ground. Sorry to hear about it!

Got Pics Trev? And that sucks massive donkey balls.

With any luck they thief wasn’t down with the art of brakeless fixie riding and was mowed down by a car.

Without cages its not like the thief could skid it if they got in trouble.

alas only pics are of the frame as it was being painted - my gf is going to do a mock up of it in illustrator so at least i can show what it looks like.

thanks guys

both my eagle eyes are peeled.

sorry to hear that news.

Should be easy to ID with that chain. I’ll make sure i have pedal wrench with my at all times in case i need to forcepsly remove it from someone.

i’ve got an ‘ugly wrench’ in my bag to ugly up someones face if i see them on the bike…

found two this afternoon while i was out searching - lets just say may they rest in peace (pieces)

thatg is crumb, shite , sorry to hear it but i agree with guys above if the art of clipless brakeing didn’t kill him then the bastard should get the wrench, once, well placed, knee cap, and ride away


Yo! PM me the flyer. I will chuck a few up around Manuka.

that front wheel is amazing. i can unedrstand why you’d be cut about losing a bike like that. part lorider, part fixed gear.

i wasn’t quite sure how to represent the radial lacing of the front wheel - that’s the best way my gf was able to show it - i was happy with the wheels as built by luketherider :cry:


I just found your bike. It appears to be in one piece but the seat is loose and the thief has swapped the wheel over to the freewheel so you might like to bring a shifter when you pick it up. I wasn’t registered to this thing so Todd said he’d call you to pass on my details. Otherwise PM me.


Ps Todd = toodles

I don’t hear of stolen bikes being found too often.

Lucky man.

Fark yeah! That is awesome…

gonna grab the bike this arvo, thanks to toodles, andygp for helping out, also thanks ezy for puttin some flyers and also thanks to everyone else for the support and keeping an eye peeled :slight_smile:

More info now… was the person who stole the bike ‘approached’, or was it locked up somewhere and taken back?

according to andygp, it was found “unchained near ainslie footy club” … and… it’s a shame really that the rider wasn’t identified. i heart retribution

Good new story. WD