Stolen bike.

Me and user: Campbell had our bikes locked up outside Cecil walker in Elizabeth street today around 2pm. We went into Cecil for a look around and came back out after 10mins to find his bike, lock and helmet missing.

it was a white Scott aspect 20.

distinguishable features: modified gear shifters, un-true back wheel, Crank brothers mullet pedals and no stickers on the forks.

If anyone sees this bike around.
Please send me a pm!

Cheers everyone and fuck the cunts who steal bikes.

we’ll get em jake

Lean locked?

Cecil Walker prob took it… given their past performance letting ‘known bike thieves’ use their workshop for free… :roll: :expressionless:

who are these known bike thieves?

Another bike thief in action, via melbournecyclist. What a chump. STOMP STOMP STOMP. An insight into technique too, yank yank, furtive glances (must have made a racket) …

That video is years old…

Well that’s interesting, can you post a link, or let Jim know where you saw it last?