I love the idea, hell, I’m even prepared to get off my ass and do something to organise it if needed. Anyone have a particular date in mind (or particular dates to avoid)?
Flyers… I’ll have to get out a pencil and start scratching away at one. I always did think the inside of the track would make a great arvo beer spot.
Prizes, I guess I could offer up my shifters and derailleurs Or maybe I should smash 'em up as a sacrifice to the Fixed Gods so that there aren’t any crashes.
flyer: something which can be blown up to A3 for posting. something which can also easily be turned into a spoke card. sketched/handmade would be nice. colourful too maybe. photocopies are cheap these days. ideas here.
race: turn it into a Velocat (alleycat + velodrome race ). off the top of my head… having a standing start, run to bikes in centre of velodrome, do 10 laps, get off, run to centre, have a pickup, back on bike, race … drop off, do something else etc etc. integrate points maybe. move fragile objects? heavy objects? dont know. add here.
prizes: doesnt need to be too special … point of the thing is having a laugh and beer, so … dont know, will have to think up something creatively. add here too.
dates: sometime in jan? nice weather. gives a bit of time to promote. i do a monthly video art thing, and the hardest part is getting people to know about it…
this is a train-of-thought-post. comments or slap in the head welcome.