I was surprised when i opened fyxomatosis this morning, theres a new more complicated look!
Whats everyones opinion on it, personally i prefer the old one but it might just be a case of getting use to this one.
I was surprised when i opened fyxomatosis this morning, theres a new more complicated look!
Whats everyones opinion on it, personally i prefer the old one but it might just be a case of getting use to this one.
i don’t like it.
I don’t like at all, where is everything :? :? you click on one thing and it takes you to another.
hmmm… I think I could get used to it - there’s just a bit too much white. it looks too… clean…
i’d give it a couple of days… from what i can tell the content is not fully loaded and when you get a bit deeper in the site there are a few loose ends still lying around. when it’s done i’m betting it’ll be a better experience for both sides of the equation (you and andy). there’s already a bunch of stuff you can do to personalise the look of the site, and when you get an account i’d say there’ll be more.
it also appears that all the user accounts have been cleared as well… but that might be temporary as well.
at least he didnt shut the site down while he was redoing it, then you’d all be really screaming :roll:
It doesn’t seem to be any different from how it always was, or am I missing something? :?
I was just about to say the same, it hasn’t changed. Or has it been altered then pulled down?
clear your coooookies.
I don’t mind it at all, but like nick said, it still looks like it’s getting worked on.
I cleared all my private data including cookies, yet still the same. I sure am a Luddite.
Won’t let me view it properly cause I’m on IE6.
It’s my work computer, so I can’t really go an install IE7 or anything else.
Not happy.
Bad web design.
Aesthetically poor and rather convoluted user interface.
Whoever built the site does not seem to have much idea about usability.
Perhaps it was just a badly chosen ‘template’ of some kind?
Watch what you say- Andy’s body building brother designed it didn’t he? :evil:
You deserve to send the rest of your days in hell with CraigC as you ‘master’ for using ie6.
‘work computer’… is a lame excuse as well.
Yeah, still not installing it.
I’ll wait til IT allow it to be installed.
‘work computer’… is a lame excuse as well.
I can’t install anything on my work computer but portable Firefox works
I just copied it into my ‘my documents’ area and it runs fine. Before this I had it running from a USB stick I took home everyday - no evidence.
tristan: Jolan.:Won’t let me view it properly cause I’m on IE6.
It’s my work computer, so I can’t really go an install IE7 or anything else.
Not happy.
You deserve to send the rest of your days in hell with CraigC as you ‘master’ for using ie6.
‘work computer’… is a lame excuse as well.
Yeah, still not installing it.
I’ll wait til IT allow it to be installed.
That’s the whole point of portable apps - you don’t install anything.
awww thats gay fixamatosis used to be cool
Somewhat of an explanation from the man: http://www.fyxomatosis.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=163:cars-bikes-websites&catid=1:latest-news&Itemid=97