
Ok, it’s not a massive deal but I feel violated. :wink:

Some dirty rotten bastard has stolen my Burn City Scavenger Hunt spoke card from my bike at Melbourne Central. I only care cause it clearly is my fav. Don’t worry though people, there are leads. Who ever you are, you are on 7 CCTV cameras and I’m going to work out who you are once we get through the footage. You’ve got a couple of days to put it back and I won’t think of you as a scumbag.

You know who you are.

I know someone with a machete once you find the culprit :evil:

We’ll find them don’t worry. Digital CCTV in Melbourne Central is very easy to enhance. I just want them to have the opportunity to put it back, no questions asked.

If you wanted one why didn’t you just earn one?

Remember, someone is always watching. :-o

is that your pista that’s often parked under the little lonsdale street overpass thing?

You’re not going to pull a MacGyver ‘Zoom, Enhance, Zoom, Enhance’ are you?

is that your pista that’s often parked under the little lonsdale street overpass thing?


You’re not going to pull a MacGyver ‘Zoom, Enhance, Zoom, Enhance’ are you?

No, it’s not that difficult. I just don’t want to go through 7 x 1hr of footage when I could be doing other shit.

I am interested who did it though, so maybe I still will.

do you want my card? i feel like an idiot riding around with them in anyway, so i take them out post haste.

Blade Runner.

“Enhance twenty-four to fourty-seven.”


(“Is this testing whether I’m a replicant or a lesbian, Mr. Deckard?”)

Said scumbag also stole my $45 Knog front light so I’ll definately be having a look tomorrow.

If they’re not back on my bike by the end of the week I’ll post video stills on here. Someone will know you. :evil:

do you want my card?

Not really. I kinda just want mine back. It’s more the principle of it cause it was clearly not a random thing cause the card was up behind the chain.

tap tap tap
tap tap tap
tap tap tap

Earn one / pay for one…

Alex on the scruffy kuwahara here … where do I sign for a spoke card, I raced participated but di’n get one …

This must be a growing trend, some jerk ripped of my Dash For Cash one out front of the East Brunswick Club about 2 weeks ago.

I always wondered if this actually occured, apparently so! Ive never had it happen to me personally.

Definately post the pics here! name and shame :wink:

It’s just shit. It’s not the ACTUAL things that were taken, it’s just the fact that they did it that pisses me off more.

I ride my fixed every day to work without fail, pissing rain and all. I don’t wanna have to start changing it every time I commute just so shit won’t get knicked.

Whateva, I’ve chucked my tanty now and am sorta over it.

If you took them could you kindly put em back. :cry:


Maybe it just fell out?

you can always get the kryptonite card-lock. i have one and am yet to have a spoke crad stolen. :wink:

As I said, I’ve thrown my tanty and am kinda over it now. It’s not WHAT was taken it’s the fact that they violated my ride. She’s sort of dirty now.

did they steal the credit card too?

Nah, is the Amex yours?

Just the Burn City and my Knog.