viner road frame, 56cm, steel

Dunno if it’s just me, but the images on the auction page are broken except the one next to the title.

Yeah what’s going on with that? It didn’t work, then I reloaded and it works again… hmm

Hey yeah, they worked that time…

so the custom build is up and running? pics if so!

Not quite yet. Well the Colombian bike was meant to be the one but that didn’t turn out quite how I wanted it… yes there is a new frame coming!!

bummer. so are you gonna ride it or get rid of it?

Nah it’s hanging on the wall now.

Make sure you take good care of it for me :wink:

I’m always open to offers… :slight_smile:

let’s see a photo anyhow

What, the Colombian frame?
Search ‘Duarte’ in the forum

what was wrong with it? looks like similar size as the viner

10 fucking characters

^ Yes

To put this into context, most modern carbon road frames in large size have a chain stay length of 405mm. This is the standard, and even with this you only just fit 25c tyres.
The Duarte has a chainstay of like 395mm… :smiley:

Sold already.

Holy shit, this bike is the blue twin of mine! Mine is EXACTLY the same, but in red.

Flickr: Verbs & Nouns’ Photostream


Hey nice bike! Yours is a new acquisition?
I really like the funky 1980’s decals

Yeah, I got it a week ago. It’s now in pieces while I aquire nicer parts.

Does the brand begin with C or S?



I actually wanna ride this bike soon!