Worst Bonking Thread

I remember one of the Vikings was telling a similar story.
When he arrived from the UK he planned a tour by looking at a map and seeing a lot of place names. Thinking they were all decent size villages with cafes and petrol stations, he didn’t take much with him. He was shocked and surprised when he rode around and found out most of the ‘places’ are barely a farmhouse.

Got hit by mild hypothermia yesterday morning after commuting to uni (10 kms or so). Didn’t check how cold it was and just put on my usual shirt/jumper/jacket/gloves combo. 5 minutes in my face was hurting despite merino face warmer, hands were burning so I pulled out a set of liner gloves. Struggled all the way into town to a friend’s cafe feeling super delirious and shaky. Sat in front of the oven for a bit and a few people put their jackets on me. All I wanted to do was sleep and I just couldn’t feel anything at all, could barely walk etc. Turns out it was -5, not 5-6 as I’d thought. Probably the coldest I’ve ever felt I think, and freaky for just an average morning commute.

Like Gelantipy?

Yeah, I got caught like that once, we were headed for a rafting trip down the Snowy starting at McKillops Bridge and Buchan was looking too busy so I thougt I’d resupply at Gelantipy. Haha! No people about and the wild goats were not even interested enough to charge.

BTW, that’d be a great gravel ride. Buchan to McKillops Bridge I mean. Anyone done it?

This is why I am confused people live in Can-brah.

Yea bro, a lot of us on here have done a similar ride, Jindy to Bairnsdale via those roads…

Same thing happened to me on the swift campout… shorts, flannel, jacket. Probably -3 degrees on my 4am commute back to the train station. smh.

Worst bonk was on a TWBD in 2009. One of my first long distance rides on my sw8 fixie @ 70". Bonked immediately once the climbing began on Skyline road. Walked all of it. Did not recover even after a massive lunch at Yarra Glen - was in the box all the way back to Lilydale.
6 years on and I still have a fear of Skyline rd, despite it being pretty chill.