your logo is not hardcore!

fuckin god botherers

That’s what I mean. The phrase (and look etc) is so watered down as to be almost meaningless nowadays.

This is true, but not in the straight edge use.

The straight edge use of the x is a symbol that was marked on hands as a easy to apply mark on the hands of people at all ages gigs to show if you are allowed to drink or not, the straight edge movement adopted it from that.

I think that’s what the Byzantines used it for too.

Bang on.

I can’t help but look at neck tat dudes nowadays and wonder how they take themselves so seriously but maybe the older dudes who were around in the 80’s looked at my generation of hardcore/punk kids (early 90’s onward) and thought we were a bunch of toys too. (But from all reports they were all on the hammer and too interested in selling their records to Neil Undinism and Clint Shortfuse to care)

we should all just listen to Sleep and stop worrying.


god damn it.

The liquor licensing laws in Constantinople in the third century were somewhat lax. The straight edge scene was really in its infancy and most of the gigs playing underground Ottoman Hardcore & Punk were held illegally in derelict bathhouses until the fall of the Empire. That’s when everything became more commodified and bands started playing in mainstream venues. The environment was tense and xenophobic undertones were pervasive. Most venues would only serve believers so if the Muslims wanted a drink, they had to get a crucifix on the backs of their hands as a mild form of humiliation.

We’ve come a long way since then

So true.