2012 WorldTour chat: Rhys dishes the dirt

There will be spoilers of results in this thread. Don’t check if you plan to watch highlights for the results

ITT we talk about things pertaining to the 2012 WorldTour.
Before we get underway though: Fuck Channel 9.

Now that that’s out of the way,

TDU starts officially Tuesday, but the Down Under Classic is on now. Live stream can be found here:
Down Under Classic

But you need a plug-in or flip4mac if you have a macintosh.

Plenty of hate on the WWoS and Channel 9 facebook pages. Cyclists appear to be highly proficient at whinging.

Greipel takes the win by two bike lengths over Boasson-Hagen and Haussler, no Green Edge in the top ten. Although Channel 9 coverage was fucking awful, was one hell of a finish. So happy the season has started.

taking out your anger on facebook, i see…

It’s like christmas. The channel 9 page is even worse haha.

links pls.

Channel 9 | Facebook


i’d rather read more comments like this:

“Josh McLaughlin
I have an idea of how all of the space junk littering the atmosphere can be collected, as was advertised on your show this morning. My idea of how to collect the space junk is a space craft that would have a high powered magnet on board to attract all of the pieces of space junk – this would hopefully be successful because majority of the pieces of space junk have metallic properties – then with the use of a mechanical arm the space junk would be moved into crates and then once full would be shot back into the earth’s atmosphere and land in the ocean where the crates could be collected by cargo ships and either reuse or remove the space junk.”

Petition to return the Tour Down Under coverage to SBS in 2013 | Facebook

Devil’s avocado: the Ch9 coverage is no worse than the SBS coversge.

lol at ‘Garmin-Barracuda’ tho!

Except that SBS would’ve had it on actual telly rather than a pissy low-quality wmv feed that you couldn’t even maximise. And the daily highlights late at night rather than at 6 and again at 7. And presenters who know what they’re talking about.

That’s just a fan page. The actual one with even more hate is here:
Channel9 - Wall | Facebook
EDIT-Just sayin’

Jesus. Anyway this thread never really got off on the right track and I realise I’m fairly responsible for it.

Here’s a link to all the pro team kits for this season.
Team kits 2012

A recurring theme is…blue and black. Overall pretty awful. I like the Lotto kit the most, I don’t mind Saxo and of course FDJ never get it wrong.
The green edge kit also looked pretty good in action.

Saw old mate ‘heatseeker’ directly giving GreenEdge design tips on facebook over gerro’s national champs jersey.

i like the fact the euskatel never seem to change their kit design, even if i dont like the kit.

I like that gerro’s kit still looks like the actual national champs jersey

So I got the impression you could see the highlights from the TDU at 11:30 pm on channel 9 but they ain’t on? Any links to the highlights…YouTube ain’t coming up with mug neither is the official site…

stage 1 starts tomorrow. :slight_smile:

Haha there you go thanks! That solves a few mysteries

Any one got a interwebs link to live stream coverage

all i got is this

Santos Tour Down Under - Santos Tour Down Under - Live feed

Nothing. Don’t even know if there are cameras out on the course.