31.8 is now old skool...

35mm is here.

EDIT: ftfy

Link dont work

they look so weird and remind me of one of these.

pretty shit of you don’t want red on ya bike

this has been around quite a while and no one else has jumped on the wagon…

Meh and top of meh on top of $$$$

I like them cos it’d be like holding a big fat carbon dildo that’s glowing read with anticipation of like, winning and that.

Good for big hands…

…from DEDA, the same crowd that brought you 31.7…:rolleyes:

Wasn’t the term, ‘reinventing the wheel’ coined for the bike industry?

35mm… because I was feeling really held back by 31.8mm. I reckon I’ve snapped about half a dozen handlebars

Never snapped any 25.4/26.0/26.4 in my nearly 30 years as a roadie.