Addictive game of the week.

BOOM. 22169 points

16039, mind you the first one was the Harbour Bridge.

That’s annoying. I got the Harbour bridge as well, which means there’s an infinite amount of ‘drops’


In a hilarious stereotype I had a ‘tag’ that was a Fish and Chip shop I had been to in Northland.

get ooouuuuutttttt of it, that’s cheating!

28,000 no cheating.

1st: turn around and “Lake City, Florida” is staring in my face. Walked aorund looking for some road names and ended up getting 0.0km away

2nd: bang middle of an American city. Walk around for ages, finally see an info booth with “virginia” on the side, knew it was coastal. Same deal, 15 meter accuracy

3rd: landed in bumfuck nowhere. Had a hunch it looked like coastal south aus. Walked for like 40 minutes and finally saw a sign saying coffin bay.

4th: random lo-res town. Saw murkan flags everywhere so guessed kinda southern America. Saw a route 65 sign too. Ended up being like 1000km more north than I guessed. Had crap resolution so couldn’t read any signs outside of motels/petrol stations etc.

5th: land in packed city. First thing I see is a Toyota Caldina with aftermarket tail lights and a bunch of kei cars. Then thought’ awh shit i can’t read japanese’. Finally saw a sign saying Sapporo Range Rover outside a dealership. Then narrowed down where I landed based on a few road signs I could see…

Really it just depends on how friggin bored you are. And if you’re lucky enough to land in places where you have good enough resolution to zoom in on signs. If not just slap F5 till you land in a big city

LINK my map

^you ‘win’ thriller…

Damn it why do i suck at this game, 6250 points…

Edit: I have discovered walking

Hey! I got an underwater one!

Broken Hill start point! 0.0m! Big points! Every other one I’ve sucked at.

I had one inside a restaurant.

^ We’re still talking about Geoguessr, right?

I’m enjoying the ‘shotgun’ game, just a look around, no ‘walking’ then taking a punt. Any longer than 30 seconds on a location is too long. Surprisingly I’ve got some better scores than when I took my time. :\

This is extremely difficult on an iphone

Yup. Plonked me in a Restaurant, another time in a Mosque.

Here’s a map of where streetview has been - so you can cancel out most of the planet right from the get go!

Where is Street View – Street View – Google Maps

First game is so good!
Got 11235 points in total on my first guess - so addictive!

Cheating much ?

I got 9000. The last one I THOUGHT was in Australia, but it looked so American so I picked that. And it WAS in Australia! Some awesome mining town from the wild west looking shit.

Hang on, so you took 40 minutes ‘real time’ walking around? DAMN, thats dedication!

Too far IMO, you should only be able to ‘walk’ for 5 mins max. If you can’t work it out by then, just guess!