After how many rides is it acceptable to wash your lycra?

Wearing cotton underwear underneath defeats the purpose of nicks. They’re not just there for padding but to wick sweat away. Otherwise, your “gooch” just ends up swimming in a sea of wet, soggy, cotton for the duration of the ride. That must be really comfortable!

why wear knicks at all then?

you just answered your own question as to why you should wash your knicks after each use…
also, your arsehole rubbing directly? are you wearing those new-fangled g-string knicks?
and yeah, underpants between yourself and the knicks is only gonna result in chafing from the stitching and wet cotton and the increased sweat absorption/retention will only cause bacteria to thrive…

in summation, it’s more comfortable and hygienic to wear just knicks and wash them after each use.

Huh? that pic is at St Kilda

Which canuck that races/raced for O2 lives in Melbourne now?

This is pretty gross but…When I was training at SASI for rowing i would wear my zoot suit (soft cotton lycra onezie) for morning and afternoon training sessions. I ended up getting jock itch on my gouch as a result, it then started to spread… Trust me you dont want this!!!

I ended up not being able to train for 3 weeks which in turn got me booted of the squad. Moral of the story wear you knicks once only.

Uh huh.

Senior moment.

So many lies in this thread. My commuting kit is fucking nasty from time to time.

Quoted for truth. On hot days I hate putting my knicks back on in the arvo, even if they’ve totally dried during the day. I have no fucking idea how anyone could wear them four times. Unless you like the smell of rank man-juice.

Seriously is this trolling who the fuck wears grundies and Knicks.

Once was semi-perve-draftin a woman from my club and noticed an underpants line in her bibs. Didn’t say anything cos I thought maybe was a once a month type deal if you catch my drift. Saw her doing it four weeks in a row, and it’s annoyed me ever since.

People who wear underwear under knicks are the same people who wear underwear under their boardshorts at the beach.

Having said this, I do wear underwear under my knicks but I roll the top of the knicks down and pull my underwear up to show the Calvin band so people know I ride tiagra because I spend more money on underwear than bikes…

If I wear my underwear over the top of a pair of knicks, the ladies will wish more to get carnal with me yes?

i rode to work in knicks this morning due to the rain. forgot to bring underwear.

i’m still in my knicks, figured that was slightly more appropriate for the office than goin commando. i have shorts over the top.

very glad my commute is only 7k’s.

I never knew the boardshorts ‘law’.
What’s the reason for it? Sand/salt issues?

^ knick over to target/red dot for a cheapie pair?

Jocks under boardies gives terrible rashes,
Plus its the ocean let it swim.

Who wears underwear anyway. no way i would be sitting around in a chair on a pad.

yeah i’ve been more comfortable before. it’s not too bad though i suppose, just feels kinda strange

i was riding behind some dude the other day who must subscribe to this “wash your knicks once a fortnight” nonsense. it smelled like i was riding behind a truck delivering thousand island dressing.