an exercise in excess. titanium carbon sillyness.

so…my boss decides he hates his prototype custom designed titanium tri bike.
i buy it, for some monies. (and manage to eek in a set of sram red brakes)
and proceed to build it up with components from my parts collection.

= bastard bike. it weighed 7.5kg, was fast, but i didnt really like the bull horns.

so i decide to put drops on it. i decide the wheels are ugly and look around the shop for better looking alternatives.
shit gets crazy, i once again am left broke after buying the bosses zentis quad spokes. but i can’t leave it there. it need cranks that arent made for a mtb…and brake levers. so sram 900 carbon brake levers (identical to red, the lever body has the holes for all the internals) and sram red cranks with a blackspire crankset. and a thomson stem to match for good measure. oh and purple titanium polts to match:p

weighs 6.86kg as you see it. it is painfully ridiculous in every way, it makes helicopter noise when you ride and is silly fast. but i love the thing.

haha i thought i had excess problems…

quite sexy though…

looks so effortless to ride, love excess.

Oooh, somethin shiny!

what a build!!! *drewl

shit, i’d rock those “ugly” wheels over those carbon monstrosities any day.

what did you do with them perchance?

ugly on this bike, very pretty on my litespeed…look in the for sale section.

Looks like it would be crazy fun to ride…

It’s like the evil twin of Mckenny’s ti track bike.

no need to edit out it not being your style;), its a bastard bike at its best, not for everyone. i like it because it goes thwock thwock thwock thwock thwock thwock thwock thwock thwock thwock thwock thwock thwock thwock thwock thwock thwock thwock thwock thwock thwock thwock thwock thwock thwock thwock thwock thwock thwock thwock thwock thwock thwock thwock thwock thwock thwock thwock thwock thwock thwock thwock thwock thwock thwock thwock thwock thwock thwock thwock thwock thwock thwock thwock thwock thwock thwock thwock thwock thwock thwock thwock thwock thwock thwock thwock thwock thwock thwock thwock thwock thwock thwock thwock thwock thwock thwock thwock thwock thwock thwock thwock thwock thwock thwock thwock thwock thwock thwock thwock thwock thwock thwock thwock thwock thwock thwock thwock thwock

PM’d you re front wheel, thanks

thats nicee

Saw this today at the beligium waffle place just off collins. Looks great in real life. Excessive yes, but still awesome haha.

I saw this bike today in the city too, I concur it is indeed impressive in real life.

that bike is sexy.

ha, didn’t think it was that loud.

should have said hello!