And for all you naysayers and fashion victims...

What’s wrong with Eddy’s bike?

-Seatpost is different colour to bars/stem.
-Saddle and bartape don’t match.
-Drops are non-parallel with the ground.
-Saddle isn’t horizontal.



The seat’s ugly.

Of course, Eddy probably didn’t personally supervise the bike setup as seen, so its authenticity is somewhat questionable…

There’s always one.

I guess someone changed it just to prove fyxomatosis right? HMM. The plot thickens…

I really want to know who own fyxomatosis? and Is it a shop or what?

fyxomatosis is from the ether and lives in the hearts and minds of all those who have traveled in circles very fast.

To yo’ ma’

Those who have seen “A Sunday in Hell” would concur that Eddy would probably have a different bike setup for every day of the week and at least 5 on the morning before a race…

At least.


No reason to change it for display though.

Now i don’t disagree with having a level saddle but WRT the drops on the bars I always thought that there was a certain amount of adjustment allowed (within reason) to give a position that suits the rider.

I have an old book called “Bicycle Mechanics - for the workshop and competition” , it’s from 1986 by Steve Snowling and Ken Evans (a different Ken).
It’s worth a look for the flares and affro’s alone but there is also plenty of good stories about being a euro pro wrench for guys like Danny Clarke, Sean Yates and many more, then there is info on bike setup.

For handlebars Steve & Ken state that it is a matter for riders personal preference but should be somewhere between parallel with the top tube and perpendicular to the head tube. I agree.

got the same book - fantastic.

good chapter on shellac.

I bought mine about 18 years ago, it wasn’t too far out of line with technology back then. Little did I know at the time I’d still be piecing together 80’s bikes today.