Fixie rides anyone?
What kind of km’s you thinking of ?
Any km just want to meet fellow fixie riders around sydney
I’m in town and happy to cruise through traffic. Let me know when you’re around the city.
I finish work 4:30pm are you free after that I work in Pier One Sydney Harbour we can meet in Circular Quay if you want
Too easy, a cruise down Hickson to Pier one is easier for me. Let’s wait for better weather.
Hopefully a good weather bro
Weather looks to be clearing up. Who’s around for a little pedal and a beer?
When bro? my shift is until 5pm this coming weekdays we can just go straight to the beer hahahaha
I’d say Thursday at this stage but the forecast looks like its going to be close to 40 degrees out.
Could do a late night cruise!
lets check the weather tomorrow
Going to be insanely hot, then very wet - maybe not this week…
I’m thinking next Monday - late night cruise, weather pending.
Sounds like a plan is formulating. Meeting place?
Crix for a pre-ride schooner or taylor square for people watching?
730pm at the Crix?
In. See ya there. I’m the short, fat, bald one.
EDIT: Confirming Location. Google Maps
Yep, look for Dan (flammablethinker) and I, most probably wearing sand coloured Creux shorts and a grey or black top simultaneously.
Seeya there.