Are My Posts Being Deleted?

Yes they are, if…

you’re replying to For Sale posts with things like:
PM’d or Wow that’s a nice frame or I wish it was a size bigger.

Replies to For Sale posts will generally be deleted unless they are either helpful to the seller or prospective buyers, or if they are updated information posted by the seller.

Ride and smile!

Yeah, I thought that happened this morning. I thought I was going nuts then I realised what was going on.

Thanks Snowy :wink:

Or if they are just plain crap :wink:

Yeah that too.


I asked a question regarding the type of bearing in this thread:,7232.0.html

Asking if it was sealled or loose ball bearings, and my post was removed?

Can someone enlighten me what I did wrong?

I think it goes like this:

The problem with questions like this is they clutter up the thread, and they can make it difficult to work out if an object has sold. It’s not fair on the vendor to have a million random questions in the thread, if they take a while to get back to people’s questions, ie because of work or other time constraints, it can refect badly on them and adversely affect the result of the sale. A newspaper classifieds (or the trading post) doesn’t have this functionality, true, but just because it’s there doesn’t mean we should use it. The only reasons a ‘for sale’ topic should be edited once it’s up is a change in the price, withdrawl of the sale, or completion of the sale.

Email or PM the vendor via the little icons on the left. Not everyone has an email address (the envelope) but you should be able to PM them (the scroll). If someone’s trying to sell something and they’ve got both of those disabled, they’re Doing It Wrong™.

I asked some questions about those hubs too, but I used PM/email. No 36h in black :frowning:

Yes But

Yes Kid Killy did have an email there but it is a very legit question… That would help others… Its certainly not clutter of any kind…


Thats what I thought, a legitimate question, not clutter, which is why I was surprised?

Maybe the mods are being a bit anal at the moment. Did you actually contact the vendor?

To paraphrase Tennyson:

Ours not to make reply
Ours not to reason why
ours but to shop or die.

I have, and have bought a set, but that isnt my point!

If you’re busting to find out why, ask the person who did it. Click here, scroll down, PM a mod, they’re the ones with blue userids. They might be able to tell you who modded the comment, provided there’s no mod Omertà.

IAAA (i am an admin)

I don’t know why your post was deleted kjparker but it was probably because the seller didn’t put enough info in the listing :smiley: I will chase it up and get back to you, and this thread will be cleaned once it is resolved (before everyone complains/conspiracys about me deleting their posts).

Also for the record there is no Omerta Alex, i just can’t get into the logs right now and would prefer to resolve it through the PM system :slight_smile:

Thanks Spud,

It’s not a huge issue, I was just wondering what i did wrong!


But my topic was awesomezzzz!!!