Argh, my eyes, my eyes!!!

track bike, only one made fuji pinarello leader bianchi | eBay

Try not to make eye contact… You have been warned.

“seat height is fixed from bottom bracket to seat post at about 26 inches,perfect for riders 5’5- 6’3”

The bars are really something special too…

While I would not ride this, i suspect it could lay siege to a town quite effectively.

Those cranks really let the colorway down.

That is one of the ugliest bikes I have ever seen.

My breakfast doesn’t taste as good any more:(

Since when did coulourway, aerospoke,ect stop getting text replaced. I miss that…

THAT is chromoly?

It would weigh as much as a teenage boy!

Made up of such great brands… bargain

Once youv seen it.


I think El Diablo should buy it for this years tour.

The MCG called, they want their goal posts back.

proffesional bike builder in vegas

Looks to me like this thing has been welded up out of old steel strip joint/ cheap casino signs

if it was 2008 everyone would be banging on about how sick this handmade in the USA bike is

Curiosity just killed my eyes.

Man, how good was 2008?

pretty awesomeextreme

the TT bars make me go “pew pew pew pew pew”

Bars gives Neptune trident envy.

wow! just wow!

should have fucking listened.

Looks like if Pengy came from the future.