Stevezero, it is TOTALLY awesome.
I love how tough and skilled the ladies are, how hilarious the antics, and how great those vege burgers are!
The local derby to me, south seas roller derby, is more accessible and easier to watch though, due to:
A) being like 15km from my house as opposed to 55km.
B) only one bout, so it’s only an hour and a bit.
C) cigarettes with the girls during half time.
D) much cheaper and never sells out!
I’ll give VRDL one more + though, Mad Mel Arena! Wowzers, when she was in south seas she left everyone for dead…
Mr.Dylan as a hipster yourself what your opinion on why hipsters have to ruin everything?. for example… Growing a thick and lust mustache, Old Fixed gear track bikes, Vintage automobiles, Work pants (they call them chinos?), Custom Car Culture and wearing a flanno?
I wouldn’t call it ‘ruining’, I would call it ‘modernizing’.
Check out how things are improved! People bring new ideas to the scenes, and the other people won’t always like it because it’s outside their conventions, but fuck are we all gonna walk around like goosefaggots doing the same thing over and over without innovation and shit?