Australian Bench Minor Tourney - Sydney - Feb 5/6

we had a good meeting last night and brook and v took down alot of points about how to approach this, covering alot of these same points. With luck it will go over well, I think the best option is making syd council feel guilty for other cities being ahead in the bike friendly aspect and supporting polo. Maybe they will try to outdo every other aus city and build a “bicycle hockey” court. Surely being a “world class city” they could do this?

well thats a bummer…

let them know you guys will be attracting some tourism dollars from other states too…

I think one of the key things is that considering that so much of the City of Sydney is promoting a cycle culture by putting in bike lanes and doing ride to work days, they’re giving out with one hand and taking with the other. The actions of an individual ‘not very high up’ here is putting across a completely different message.

Try and find out who is the key person behind all the bicycle planning and target them.

We’re supposedly right in the middle of Spring Cycle too… Sydney Irony at it’s best.

and I’m in London with loads of people riding bikes, in crappy weather, and the City of London is support, support, support. Wake up Sydney.


hey, good luck with the court negotiations…i have booked my flights…so keen…Simon8

mmm, moving back to melbourne in early dec and have been asked to play by JOL and nny. might be an all ex london team playing.

I dont want to jump the gun here as Virginia is still working out the details for a court, but it looks like we might have found a solution. Its pretty exciting but ill let Virginia announce it when its all sorted!

knew you’d change your mind…

OMG you cant say something like that and then not tell us!!!

Sent you a PM

rad, thanks V :smiley:

we’ll see, thats all i can say.

:slight_smile: fair enough
flights booked!

V! Send me a PM or an email!!!

the Paris BM sounds like it went really well, there’s a good thread on lfgss with some top tips on what works and doesn’t work.

Bench Minor Discussion - London Fixed-gear and Single-speed

Thanks for that link Erin. I’d heard paris was doing this, I couldn’t find anything written about it until now.

go on the french forum dude

everything sounds good except the draft they made.

what was wrong with the draft - was it that all the awesome players ended up on team black? how did they pick it?

I cantr ead french julieennn. Ah putain!!!

hahaha no, just they let 39 people registred and then made a public draft of only 28 people…which i think is really dumb, hard, stupid…

Bikepolo in Paris is getting more and more hype/arrogant…i actually think the OZ bench minor, just before leaving australia, will be my last bikepolo game ever.


Sounds like a good reason to stay