Australian Financial Review Does Fixies

I agree with your comments Lupine. Sadly, once something becomes popular, the companies step up the production and step down the quality to increase the profits. The other sad thing is that when the trend jumpers tire of riding, I don’t reckon we’ll find their bikes up on eBay. They’ll stick them in the back of the garage (next to the carbon fibre roadie they tired of as well) and they’ll just gather dust.

Like you, it annoys me too. So, ‘maintain the rage’ and refuse to accept the watered down, inferior crap they try to sell us. To each their own, but if you accept this from them it just condones what they’re doing and they’ll keep doing it. If you don’t like a product, don’t buy it, but write or email them as to why you didn’t and why you bought the oppositions product instead. Maybe they’ll start listening once they realise why they’re not getting our money.

So if i don’t drink milk and have my own chickens for eggs (and I’m nice to little fuckers), but still eat meat what does that make me (besides mentally insane)

the most beautiful man in the room*

  • depending on the room

I’m not sure what to do with compliments?

i assume your made of somthing else.

Whatever you guys are talking about, I cant be bothered

Get over it and ride!

No sorry that was:

"My momma always said, “Life was like a box of chocolates. You never know what you’re gonna get.” "
