Bauhaus inspired bike.
i like the idea, but don’t think it was executed all that well.
The best thing the Bauhaus did was exist, it never bought about anything good. The reactions to it were what made it important. This bike on the other hand is shit.
Check out the accessories… it can be ridden tandem.
Art bike fail.
Sweet! A desk on wheels. Doesi t come with ikea allen keys?
Rubbish bike.
“By limiting the form with a fixed set of design rules and stepping away from the traditional function-oriented approach to the design process, this project transcends the border between design and art”
that’s a mistake you see in architecture/design student work all the time - the idea that you can replace the the natural selection of a functionalist approach with the look of a functional approach, and still get a decent result.
if the bauhaus hadn’t made functionalist design such a fashion statement, we wouldn’t have such a problem of style-vs-reasoning.
i would agree that the idea is better than the execution in this case.
The Bauhaus pram was far better.
Can’t argue with that :roll:
ah screw function - it’s already awkward, they should have done the job properly and made the wheels square as well!
or is that Port Modernism?