Becoming a bike courier? (Melbourne)

i’m also looking to become a part time bicycle courier. looks like i’ll apply in winter eh? :wink:

I’m off for a trial run on Thursday and Friday. There’s a total of one bike courier in Hobart, and he’s shipping out at the end of the year. Luckily he’s a good mate of mine so he’s pretty sure I’ll score the job.

lucky bugger!

i’m in melb so my chances are low :frowning:


I remember having shadows in the 90’s who could barely write and you just knew they werent going to lasta week in the job. In that time though they would do some dumb sh1t like run a red and clean someone up, have a bingle with a car or something totally over the top that would bring the 99’s down on us like a ton of bricks for 2 weeks. So your getting a fine for some totally whack sh1t while this guy is back at home smoking cones on the dole.

Back then i guess the workload was there. Spunout its not anymore.

Hey Bigh, if you moved to Perth i would have you an assured gig! Just have to move to Perth… :sunglasses:

yeah exactly.

The annoying thing is i actually WANT to be a bicycle courier - its not going to be a job for ever just a year or two.

I’ve got a couple of masters degrees i can “fall back on” :stuck_out_tongue:


yep i racked up 3 HECS debts before i stepped off the bike and sat at the desk…

But yeah you might have to wait until the weather turns feral. Everyone wants to ride in the sunshine.

yeah - whats the fun in that - no challenge, its all an image thing - fit in the sun :mrgreen:

dutch - what courses did u do? i’ve been @ uni for 9 yearrs :stuck_out_tongue: perpetual student :stuck_out_tongue: (that can’t spell)

i wish someone had sent me this when i was 17…

economics, then did cognitive science, transferred to environmental science, worked in that for 7 months, went back to couriering and then did software development. I owe a heap and still wish i was back couriering so what was the point??? :stuck_out_tongue:

yeah i know what u mean. i’ve done a lot of uni that i know i’ll NEVER use… but it is interesting. Helps round u as a person :slight_smile:

if u really love being a courier just go back into it!

Even after all this study i’d still take a job that required no experience or education if i loved it :slight_smile: - thats what i learnt from my Masters in IT, Law Bachelor of science (anatomy), grad dip in computer science and Bachelor of Laws :P:P:P :-o

u should see my hecs debt - $90k plus

fk me that is impressive…

nah couriering had its day for me. 8 years was enough.

I dont mind sitting here at a desk getting paid to go to the toilet!

messing can be a way of life.
22 years i’ve been at it
along the way a phd in marine biology, a bsc in psychology, a ba in comparative theology, and a bsc in anthropology and archeology, 5 years in the army, and a couple of years as a radical environmentalist in the gippsland area. 2 marriages and a bunch of dogs.
and i’m still a messenger cause it’s a great job for shiftless bums like me :slight_smile:

exactly sounds perfect for who i am - i’m good with directions (the only thing i don’t know is where the crown mail room is lol)

Won a lot of orienteering @ school. just seems like a perfect freedom kind of job even when it rains :slight_smile:

Questionf for you CBD messengers - how far out is the furthest distance?
how far would you cover in a day?

Ouch that’s a lot of HECS debt! After 10 years at uni, 5 years f/t and 5 years p/t while working f/t I only ended up with one bit of paper and this year I finally finished paying off HECS :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: