Hey everyone, I’m under the impression there are a few bike couriers on here/people in the know, that might be able to help me with this. I have a lot of questions, if you could answer what you know about that would be great.
Firstly I have wanted to be a bike courier for a few years now, before I even knew what a fixie was! Now I have finished school for good and am looking for a job over the summer and into the future. Bike courier seems ideal but there is a few things I need clarified:
Is there a courier shortage in Melbourne, or an overabundance? I don’t want to muscle in if its already an overcrowded area, or is it fairly easy to get a job?
What is the pay like? Im still living at home, not fully dependant by any means, Im just looking for a bit of extra cash for all the crap I keep buying. So I guess I want to know how would it compare to say a job in retail? I guess that is my other option.
How does the pay work? Is it entirely commission or is it a small hourly rate plus commission? And also leading into christmas/early 2008 is it generally a quiet time for delivering or fairly busy?
This may be fairly contentious, but how essential is a messenger bag? Personally Im not a fan and I generally prefer a backpack, but I guess if its a necessity I could learn to love. Im also in the market for a decent bag for carrying all my Uni stuff next year, so that could tie in nicely.
Do you need some sort of license or permit? Ive seen a video where potential couriers need to be road tested, this is no problem I just want to know if I need a permit to get a job.
Most importantly, how would I go about getting a job? This Ive never really been able to find out. Does everyone work for the same company (like Auspost or something similar) or does everyone work for different companies? If so, how would I go about getting hired by anyone?
I know this is a lot of questions, there will probably be more to come, but if someone could point me in the right direction or help me out it would be much appreciated
By the way, if anyone wants to know who I am, I was at Meanstreetz on the pink and green raleigh. I finished a couple of minutes after the pack of guys with the radios. It was great fun. thanks!