Bicycle Victoria- what do they actually do?

i like to know who is winning.

Bicycle Victoria Forums • View forum - Competition

You know there’s a website dedicated to boobs and fixay’s CC…

There are a lot less snot-nosed punks leaving my cheese out in the wind over there

and I know the bands in the music thread…

I’ve long suspected the youngsters on this forum of just making band names up.

Yeah I’ve seen that one but I don’t think it’s aimed at my demographic.

Genuine surpressed LOL at my desk…

We make up genres too… :wink:

pls be dubstep, pls be dubstep…

So true, and I’m not even 30 yet!

edit- What about a classics music thread?

you mean like this?

actual LOL at workdesk.

Or even this…?

More like this:

i think more like this.